Independent Residential Children’s Homes, est 2010


Our children’s experiences have shaped how they see the world – and their attitude and behaviour is a direct reflection of this. Which is completely understandable and natural – but with the right approach, we can help them make sense of everything. As a dedicated team we will give them the space to explore their thoughts, feelings & actions in a safe space. 


What we offer

We work with a variety of professionals who offer therapeutic intervention, including child clinical psychologists, speech & language therapists, educational psychologists and CAMHS.

We believe therapy is about more than a weekly session with a therapist. Breakthroughs can’t happen in a vacuum and young people make the most progress when those around them can access support to help them understand their behaviour.         

Our young people can’t begin to explore past trauma until they feel safe and cared for in a none-judgemental environment. A lot of the processing occurs after each session, which must be supported by trusted adults. And we need time in order to build this trust and rapport.


Weekly Sessions

Young people have access to weekly therapy sessions where they can explore therapy through talking, art, drama or play. These regular sessions are are delivered by our therapy partners.


Therapists liaise with relevant professionals directly and are involved at planning and review meetings, to offer our young people the best care possible.


Therapists also support our staff team, attending monthly consultations and meetings to devise appropriate strategies for implementing in our homes.


We receive regular reports to and ongoing support from therapists – these can include assessment, review, transition and conclusive reports.
